Official announcement

A Québec quantum computer dedicated to science

press release

Research showcase

Pulsars, COVID-19, tuberculosis, genetics, music, literature ... Discover the impact of advanced research computing

High performance computing for all!

The first calculator, the abacus, the invention of the zero... Can you date the events, discoveries and important people that led to supercomputers ?

Discover our scientific culture game

Services for

If limited computing resources are keeping you from innovating and performing well in your market, talk to us.

Services for
Academic Research

Our Advanced Research Computing services enable research projects of all sizes and help you get results.

Création d’une grappe de calcul informatique dédiée à l’intelligence artificielle

Les gouvernements du Canada et du Québec accordent des aides financières totalisant près de 16 millions de dollars à l’Université Laval pour soutenir l’acquisition d’équipements informatiques de pointe, qui lui permettront d’accueillir la plateforme Environnement de calcul pancanadien pour l’intelligence artificielle (ECPIA). Ce projet vise à favoriser la création d’une grappe de calcul informatique destinée exclusivement à...

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Calcul Québec announces its spring school

From May 21 to 24, 2024, Calcul Québec invites you to join us for our spring school, held on the campus of Bishop’s University. You will get the chance to develop the high-performance computing (HPC) skills you need to achieve your research goals. Bringing researchers together Every member of the research and innovation community can...

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Calcul Québec mentionné dans le rapport Prêt pour l’IA

Calcul Québec occupe une place importante dans le tout récent rapport Prêt pour l’IA du Conseil de l’Innovation du Québec. Calcul Québec est spécifiquement identifié comme l’un des acteurs centraux dans le développement des infrastructures québécoises de calcul et reconnu pour son expertise en matière de gestion d’infrastructures pour le calcul de haute performance.  ...

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Calcul Québec Team Will Be Offering Personalized Support at UQAC

Calcul Québec will participate in UQAC’s rendez-vous de la recherche et de la création on February 13th. We invite the Saguenay research community to come and meet us. To start the day, Maxime Boissonneault, Research Services Director, will present our services and how you can make the most of them. Seizing this opportunity to meet...

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Assemblée générale annuelle 2023

L’assemblée générale annuelle (AGA) 2023 de Calcul Québec aura lieu le vendredi 1er décembre 2023, à 13h00, heure normale de l’Est, à l’École de technologie supérieure, 1100, rue Notre-Dame Ouest, Montréal, Québec H3C 1K3 et en virtuel. Pour toutes questions, merci d’écrire à l’adresse courriel suivante: Vous souhaitez devenir membre de Calcul Québec? Tous...

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Calcul Quebec invites researchers to its brand-new series of talks

In its efforts to ensure accessibility to advanced technologies, Calcul Québec created Horizons croisés, a series of talks focused on digital technologies for research and innovation. Each month, we will welcome a chosen expert to explain an advanced technology or methodology and exchange with participants on how to use it efficiently and ethically. Theses events...

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Calcul Québec Launches its Fall Schedule

September 13, 2023 – Calcul Québec takes advantage of the back-to-school season to announce the diversification of its events.   It is now tradition: our workshop schedule is launched at the beginning of the academic semester. However, our current edition sets itself apart with its scale and the nature of its events. Acting on Our...

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Spring School 2023: a Successful Event

Calcul Québec held its 2023 Spring School from May 22 to 26, where we were joined by thirty participants who took part in one of the two training programs offered. A First In-person Spring School in Three Years We are delighted with the valuable opportunities for exchange created by the return of our in-person format....

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Crazy about… supercomputing

Saguenay, May 26, 2023 — Calcul Québec is participating in the 13th edition of the Fous de la science festival at the Fjord Museum in Saguenay. For this occasion, several science-related organizations have joined forces to create a fun-filled program full of discoveries and surprises! Our team is excited to engage with young and old...

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MonarQ: Quantum Computing Serving Research and Innovation

  Update Montreal, May 8th, 2023 — Construction of MonarQ is progressing and Calcul Québec is preparing for its arrival. As part of these preparations, Calcul Québec has established a steering committee to guide the development of its quantum services. Additionally, a new training program has been launched, and the Snowflake and CirQ simulators have...

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Come back soon for more details. Click here for more information. CONTACT.